These beautiful radiant Bach Flower photos were taken during 5 years of travelling in England, France, Germany and Switzerland - on the way with the intention to make the flower energies visually tangible and usable beyond their application through essence bottles.
The photos allow you to apply them in everyday life, such as
The flower energies of the photos act as places of power where you can explore and experience the inner levels of your SELF and your connection with the beings of nature more deeply. Because:
► Meditatively immersing oneself in a flower photo opens up a whole new space of communication with a flower and the power that works through it. This connects you to the Flower Deva.
► Contemplation allows you to come into exchange and resonance with the flower energies so that healing and harmonisation can easily happen.
► This works all the more deeply and effectively the more you allow yourself to open up and really engage with it.
► The repeated communion helps you to energetically arouse, awaken and feel the qualities within you that the flowers serve to realise.
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